Federico Medina: Starving

Federico Medina
August 3 – October 13, 2019
OPENING RECEPTION: August 3 from 7-10pm
On a raining winter evening, artist Federico Medina decided to take a journey through the streets of Santa Ana’s Artist Village. It was a quest, a search for better understanding as he contemplated the questions for which he was struggling. When does it come to the point of giving up the search? Why is it difficult to allow yourself to shine in your frustration? How much do you permit yourself to wander in despair in the pursuit of personal gold?
As an artist, Medina regularly visits museums outside of his community. As he explores the galleries of these institutions, he often wonders if he is shining to his fullest potential. The visits bring forward constant reminders, through the scale of exhibitions and recognition other artists are achieving, of his insecurities. These are questions that arise in most of us, but for individuals working towards achieving a viable career as a visual artist, those questions frequently feel magnified.
The struggles of artists are real, especially in regions that do not have a fully developed eco-system to support sustainable practice. Even in areas that do have supportive eco-systems in place that provide potential economic security – commercial galleries, museums, alternative spaces, universities, media outlets – opportunities for risk, engaging conversations, and exposure may appear stifled.
Starving, through its performance action, generates emotions of fear, untrustworthiness, and avoidance. With a lack of comfort, it allows openness to vulnerability and discovery. It is a search for answers, an awakening of spirit, a quest for personal gold!
Federico Medina (b. Santa Ana, 1975) is a photographer who has exhibited at venues throughout Orange and Los Angeles counties, including Bowers Museum, Orange County Center for Contemporary Art, and UCLA. Inspired by day-to-day life, he exposes the raw aspects of humanity and encapsulates honest emotion within each image. He aspires to stimulate psyche, provoking natural feelings, and perhaps flashbacks to lost memories. He is working currently as Art Director at OC Weekly.