Another week off to the right start!
The day began with a site visit by artist Dawn Weleski. This was her visit to Grand Central Art Center, so we provided her the full walking tour of both GCAC and Downtown Santa Ana. She asked all the right questions and we could see the wheels turning in her head. We know she’ll be back often, and hopefully as Artist in Residence in the very near future! Here is a little taste (pun-intended) of a recent project in her own words:
Jules Rochielle is back on site for a few days as she continues her projects, developed in collaboration with multiple community organizations throughout our downtown area, including SACReD, Santa Ana Public Library, The Grain Project, El Centro, United Artists of Santa Ana, among many others, and engaging our CSUF students. Her energy, respect and passion are feverish, and her artistic vision so powerful.
Normally we are closed to the public on Mondays, but today we opened up our doors to CSUF Alum and former Grand Central Art Center MFA resident Eric Jones and his students from the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising. The color theory and design class toured the current exhibitions, examining the work and talking technique. Thank You Eric for bringing your students to engage with our exhibitions.

GCAC Director John D. Spiak talks with Eric Jones FIDM students about the work of Tony de los Reyes.
Wonderful having such a great group of individuals here on a Monday. Helps us kick-off the week with energy!